and then Death sat down beside her,
on the long flight across the sea.
and Death met her at the door,
brought her to the darkened room, saying
She's almost ready. We've just been waiting
for you. Death stood politely in the hallway,
until all the words had been said,
then stepped in, saying I'm sorry, honey
it's time.
on the long flight across the sea.
and Death met her at the door,
brought her to the darkened room, saying
She's almost ready. We've just been waiting
for you. Death stood politely in the hallway,
until all the words had been said,
then stepped in, saying I'm sorry, honey
it's time.
{{ kat }}}
you have my deepest sympathy.
Posted by
Udge |
27/2/08 14:55
I'm sorry. I want to type: tell us you're okay. Then I realize you'll tell us what you need to, when you're ready. So I'll stick to: thinking of you.
Posted by
Anonymous |
28/2/08 13:18