The fever-heat came finally last night, blazing higher and higher until he fled to the far side of the bed, refusing to touch me. I burrowed deeper in the blankets, stoked it with my breath, turned myself florescent, and let it burn.
This morning the rasp is still there in my throat, but the head-full-of-leaves is gone, the ache-in-the-joints is gone, and I even agreed to go into work an hour early.
I will, however, bring my tea with me.
This morning the rasp is still there in my throat, but the head-full-of-leaves is gone, the ache-in-the-joints is gone, and I even agreed to go into work an hour early.
I will, however, bring my tea with me.
My heart cries for you. Do get well soon....
Posted by
diana christine |
15/10/07 11:23
Thanks. I'm almost all the way better today, I think.
Posted by
Caitlin |
16/10/07 09:18
what twat is making you work (and early) when it sounds like you´re knocking on death´s chamber door??? what twat lets ill people work around food and beverage?? nik
Posted by
Anonymous |
16/10/07 10:50
The management at my cafe is definitely twatty like that - rumor has it they tried to make one girl come with with a confirmed case of strep throat - they wanted her to wear a mask.
Would you buy coffee from a sick-looking, miserable person in a mask?
Posted by
Caitlin |
17/10/07 09:31
Oy. Feel better, Kat!
Posted by
Theriomorph |
19/10/07 06:48