> jumping into life.

« Home | i smushed the front of my car. i'm fine, though th... » | i'm getting better at asking for what i want, rath... » | all i can say is, it's about goddamn time. and als... » | the ocean has been really dark lately, in a strang... » | so then. at prescott i can have my own apartment, ... » | happy 21st birthday to me! » | yesterday, one of my mentors, Marcia, and i had a ... » | at the waiting room of the bloodlab the other morn... » | it started because i painted a cigarbox black and ... » | "You know what the bottom line is? If Bush was a d... » 


this week i work double split shifts, opening and closing, but the weekend was worth it. i didn't think i'd have labor day off, but i did, and we went to the beach and barbecued, the way it should be. just before sunset the clouds cleared out and the sun fell warm, and tim's three-day-guinness-marinated tri-tip smelled like heaven. we'd brought mangoes and he had cherries, and we grilled them, too, and they were heaven. the mangoes carmelized and we poured lime juice on them; the cherries exploded hot delicious in your mouth and we held our hands under our chins to catch the juice then sucked the pits dry. a splash caught my eye, and we spent some twenty minutes watching dolphins carousing in the waves. twice, as the swell just began to crest, and the setting sun lit it from behind, i watched the silhouette of a dolphin for a perfect moment suspended in the water. we had incredible portobellas and cheez-its and sand, felt the sun on our faces, built a bonfire and watched the water turn silver in the dusk. came home smelling like smoke and contentment, and i dreamt of swimming and cherry pie. worth it, indeed.