> jumping into life.

« Home | a few things between the completion of my first th... » | 15,000. forgive me if i'm not writing much of anyt... » | today i was startled to realize that there are onl... » | ten thousand. » | what?! i mean, WHAT?! [via sixfoot6] » | this is what i love about my school: in my biology... » | five thousand words! only 45,000 to go. dear god. » | here's an interesting map: county-by-county, with ... » | and, as i'd promised, here it is: my novel. you'll... » | dancing, dancing, barefoot on hardwood floor, bass... » 


i'm just over 20,000 words now, though they aren't all posted yet. I've not been keeping quite to 3,000 a day, but hopefully I'll get some solid progress made this weekend and then a whole ton in the airport/on the plane before thanksgiving. The end is nigh.

And this is getting harder and harder to keep public. It wasn't ever a novel in any real sense of the word - it's merely self-absorbed rambling. But it came at a time when I needed to work through a whole slough (slew?) of issues, and it has been immensely helpful in that regard. Which means that the content - which was all me to begin with - is getting increasingly personal and, even more than that, intimate. Speaking spiritually, not sexually (though there is some of that in there too).

At any rate, a caveat or four: If you recognize yourself in here, my thanks and/or apologies in advance. If you think you recognize yourself but you're confused, I may well have blended two (or more) stories - this is, at least ostensibly, fiction, after all. If you're bored with the blow-by-blow account of my existential crisis, stop reading. If you're going to leave a comment, be nice. If you have a personal response to make, write me.
